The People

The People
Our goal at FoodWorks is to support people from across Newcastle to access new employment opportunities, giving them the skills, confidence and belief to succeed.
Below are some case studies of young people that Food Works has supported.
Ladislav has problems with his hearing and uses hearing aids. He had problems communicating and started Training with FoodWorks Outside Catering team following the completion of his GCSE’s. This work improved his communications skills massively and he went on to complete a training placement in the FoodWorks Café in Heaton one day a week.
Whilst working at the café he also carried out a work experience placement in a busy fast food outlet based in the RVI, he developed his skills further whilst working there, including his food preparation skills, customer service and bread making.
Ladislav is now completing a catering apprenticeship with FoodWorks carrying out food preparation at the Heaton base and serving customers at the Civic Centre Coffee Cart. As well as developing his skills he will be supported by Supported Employment Service to find and secure further paid employment and a career.
He said “I have learned different types of skills and I’m very proud to have the support from the team”
Paul arrived with FoodWorks through a partnership with Crisis, the homelessness charity. Crisis provided him with a variety of training and support, including Costa Coffee Barista training, essential skills Paul is using on the cart. Paul has secured his own tenancy and is developing his skills further. Find out more about Paul's story here.